Diese Homepage ist den Opfern der Flugschaukatastrophe vom 28.8.1988 in Ramstein gewidmet bei der mehr als 70 Menschen starben.
Ich möchte beschreiben wie ich den Tag erlebte und was diese Katastrophe heute noch für mich bedeutet.
Roland Fuchs März 2005
My Name is Roland Fuchs and this is my homepage which I am dedicating to the victims of the Ramstein AB Airshow disaster ( August 28, 1988).
On the following pages I hope to describe my experience on this day and how it has affected my life and how I live with this tragedy. I hope that my sharing will help others ( who may also have lost loved ones )and help everyone understand what happened on that terrible day. Please make an entry in my guestbook.
Questa homepage è dedicata alle vittime del disastro aereo avvenuto il 28/8/1988 a Ramstein (Germania), in cui persero la vita 70 persone. Nelle seguenti pagine voglio descrivere come io ho vissuto questo giorno e cosa questa catastrofe ancora oggi significa per me. Sono grato per un vostro pensiero o commento nel Gästebuch (libro per gli ospiti)